Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Low: Chapter 1

Low: Chapter 1: The Cultural Life of Large Urban Spaces

            The importance of cultural diversity and attitudes towards urban parks.

            So far the chapter explains how important it is to keep different cultures alive in New York City parks. People these days move into areas with higher security because of fear and issues such as race and class. It also states that it is important that parks represent people and their history of using the park or they won’t visit anymore. It is also important for people to express themselves and have cultural diversity.
            Page 8 explains that social sustainability are important because people and their histories and values are sustained at or near the park, across generations and over time. This chapter also states that cultural values have a lot to do with visiting parks or places depending on a person or groups attitude toward it based on beliefs and assumptions.

Personal Reflection:
            I strongly agree with this chapter because I wouldn’t visit a park if I felt out of place and not have something that related to me or my culture in some sort of way. I don’t think people living in New York City would have that problem because of how diverse it is.

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